* Duplicate WordPress Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types as Drafts
* This code snippet enables the duplication of WordPress posts, pages, and all registered custom post types (CPTs).
* It adds a 'Duplicate' link to the row actions for each item in the admin dashboard. When clicked, this link
* triggers the duplication of the selected item, creating a new draft with the same content, custom fields,
* and taxonomies.
* Functions:
* 1. `duplicate_post_as_draft`: Handles the duplication process. It copies the post data, including title,
* content, excerpt, and custom fields, and creates a new post with a 'draft' status. It also maintains
* the taxonomy terms (like categories and tags) from the original post.
* 2. `duplicate_post_link`: Adds the 'Duplicate' action link to the WordPress admin interface for each post,
* page, and custom post type. This link uses WordPress's built-in nonce functionality for security.
* 3. `apply_duplicate_post_link_to_cpts`: Dynamically applies the duplicate post link function to all public
* post types, ensuring the 'Duplicate' link appears for any custom post types registered on the site.
* Author: Mark Harris
* URI: https://www.christchurchwebsolutions.co.uk
function duplicate_post_as_draft() {
global $wpdb;
// Verify the nonce for security
$nonce_action = 'duplicate_post_as_draft';
$nonce_name = 'duplicate_nonce';
if (!isset($_GET[$nonce_name]) || !wp_verify_nonce($_GET[$nonce_name], $nonce_action)) {
wp_die(esc_html__('Security check failed.', 'wpturbo'));
// Check if the 'post' parameter is set in either GET or POST request
$post_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'post', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) ?: filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'post', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if (!$post_id) {
wp_die(esc_html__('No post to duplicate has been supplied!', 'wpturbo'));
// Check if the post exists
$post = get_post($post_id);
if (!$post) {
wp_die(esc_html(sprintf(__('Post creation failed, could not find original post: %s', 'wpturbo'), $post_id)));
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$new_post_author = $current_user->ID;
$args = [
"comment_status" => $post->comment_status,
"ping_status" => $post->ping_status,
"post_author" => $new_post_author,
"post_content" => $post->post_content,
"post_excerpt" => $post->post_excerpt,
"post_name" => $post->post_name,
"post_parent" => $post->post_parent,
"post_password" => $post->post_password,
"post_status" => "draft",
"post_title" => $post->post_title . " (Copy)",
"post_type" => $post->post_type,
"to_ping" => $post->to_ping,
"menu_order" => $post->menu_order
$new_post_id = wp_insert_post($args);
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type);
foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
$post_terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomy, ["fields" => "slugs"]);
wp_set_object_terms($new_post_id, $post_terms, $taxonomy, false);
$post_meta_infos = $wpdb->get_results(
$wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = %d", $post_id)
if (count($post_meta_infos) != 0) {
foreach ($post_meta_infos as $meta_info) {
$meta_key = $meta_info->meta_key;
$meta_value = sanitize_meta($meta_info->meta_key, $meta_info->meta_value, "post");
$wpdb->insert($wpdb->postmeta, [
"post_id" => $new_post_id,
"meta_key" => $meta_key,
"meta_value" => $meta_value
// Redirect to the post list screen and show a success message
$redirect_url = admin_url("edit.php?post_type=" . $post->post_type);
wp_redirect(add_query_arg("message", "101", $redirect_url));
add_action("admin_action_duplicate_post_as_draft", "duplicate_post_as_draft");
function duplicate_post_link($actions, $post) {
if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
$actions['duplicate'] = '<a href="' .
admin_url("admin.php?action=duplicate_post_as_draft&post=" . $post->ID),
) .
'" title="' . esc_attr__('Duplicate this item', 'wpturbo') .
'" rel="permalink">' . esc_html__('Duplicate', 'wpturbo') . '</a>';
return $actions;
add_filter("post_row_actions", "duplicate_post_link", 10, 2);
add_filter("page_row_actions", "duplicate_post_link", 10, 2);
function apply_duplicate_post_link_to_cpts() {
$post_types = get_post_types(["public" => true], "names");
foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
add_filter("{$post_type}_row_actions", "duplicate_post_link", 10, 2);
add_action("admin_init", "apply_duplicate_post_link_to_cpts");
function show_duplicate_admin_notice() {
if (isset($_GET['message']) && $_GET['message'] === '101') {
echo '<div class="notice notice-success is-dismissible"><p>' . esc_html('Post duplicated successfully.') . '</p></div>';
add_action('admin_notices', 'show_duplicate_admin_notice');